The Lightweight Aireshelta

The Lightweight Aireshelta is ideal in situations where the shelter has to be manually transported before deployment or where it has to be moved during service.

WebblueextensThe Lightweight Aireshelta boasts the same features as the conventional Aireshelta:-

  • air vents
  • windows
  • vehicle standing pads
  • linkability

Yet, its lightweight properties offer an additional feature that make this product more attractive for remote deployment. The standard 3.0m Unit is very portable and can be packed into a ruck-sack.

Please Note: For long term deployment situations, the conventional Aireshelta is recommended.  Both types of Aireshelta require a mains electricity supply or a 4.5 KVA generator to power the inflation.

However, when speed of deployment is critical and you need a portable shelter, the Lightweight Aireshelta is the best solution!  

  • Minimum Weight 12kg (3m x 3m)
  • Portable (can fit in a standard size rucksack)
  • 100% Waterproof
  • Speedy deployment
  • Only 1 man to erect
  • Translucent Roof allows natural light
  • Modular
  • Speedy Pack-up
  • Choice of colour and printed graphics